
Comment Roles



  1. Install Comment Roles via the WordPress plugin installer, the plugin uploader, or upload the file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Add necessary CSS rules to your child theme or a custom CSS field provided by your theme or another plugin (Jetpack works well for this).

Comment Roles is a very simple plugin. The sole purpose is to provide users with the ability to filter comments based on the role of users who have contributed comments to any given post. This plugin is not meant to be used simply as is. Rather it’s expected that a site administrator will apply additional CSS rules to their child theme or to the CSS section of their theme or another plugin in order to to best integrate this plugin in their site. There is currently no additional functionality associated with this plugin.

This plugin does not work with Jetpack Comments. At present there are no plans to try and make it work with Jetpack based on how it functions. Perhaps this will change in the future, but for now I don’t anticipate anything different.
Additionally, this plugin requires the permalink structure be changed from the default. Any other permalink structure will work fine.
