
Related Tag Filter




Since we made this plugin to specifically ease further configuration, please just download it and place it in your plugins folder

  1. Move the related-tag-filter folder you just downloaded to your /wp-content/plugins directory
  2. Ensure that all subfolders and files appear – css, css/img, js, img, relate-tag-filter.php and readme.txt
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress be clicking on ACTIVATE
  4. Return to the DASHBOARD and follow the link to the WIDGET section
  5. Drag-and-Drop the RelatedTagFilter widget to the sidebar
  6. Edit settings, title and or number of tags to display by default
  7. Click save and – that is it!

With the Related Tag Filter (RTF), you get list of the 10 (this is configurable in the admin widget section) most popular tags on your site to
date. By simply clicking the related tag you want to sort on, you refine the list to only those that are, you guessed it, RELATED! There is a
Show-All-Tags which will show a modal window of every tag used in the blog (NOTE: this also resets the search criteria if you have previous
conditions already filtering from the standard selection menu). As well, there is a Reset-Tags link that removes any filtering you may have done,
greater than 3. The X on the selected tags are for removing it from the filter. And just in case you have experience with this sort of thing,
you will be pleased to know that it IS compatible with pretty PERMALINKS.
