[wordpress插件] CPO WidgetsCPO小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-04 07:00 453 0 全屏看文



CPO Widgets is a WordPress plugin that provides you with an number of essential widgets for any website.


They give you additional functionality to easily display more varied content in your sidebars, such as images or tweets.


    This plugin adds the following available widgets:


    Recent Posts – A more powerful version of the default recent posts widget provided by WordPress.

    最新帖子 – WordPress提供的默认最新帖子小部件的更强大版本。

    This widget allows you to display a thumbnail of each post and also to choose which post type to display.


    Ad Space – Easily insert images without having to resort to writing HTML in a text widget.

    广告空间 –轻松插入图片,而无需在文本小部件中编写HTML。

    You can also link the image or add your own advertising code.


    Social Profiles – Add links to your preferred social profiles, being able to choose from a long list of available social networks.

    社交个人资料 –将链接添加到您的首选社交个人资料,可以从一长串可用的社交网络中进行选择。

    Recent Tweets – Display your latest tweets from any Twitter account.

    最新推文 –显示来自任何Twitter帐户的最新推文。

    This widgets provides support for the Twitter API 1.1.

    此小部件提供对 Twitter API 1.1 的支持。

    Flickr Images – Show your latest images from a Flickr account right into your sidebar, and linking to your Flickr gallery.

    Flickr图片 –在侧边栏中直接显示来自Flickr帐户的最新图像,并链接到Flickr画廊。

    Author Badge – Display the profile of a specific user, showing the name, image, and profile description.

    作者徽章 –显示特定用户的个人资料,并显示名称,图像和个人资料描述。

    Included Widgets


      • Recent Posts
      • 最新帖子

      • Image Banner widget
      • 图像横幅小部件

      • Social Profiles widget
      • “社交个人资料”小部件

      • Recent Tweets widget
      • 最近的推文小部件

      • Flickr Images widget
      • Flickr图片小部件

      • Author Badge widget
      • 作者徽章小部件


Installing Through The WordPress Admin


    1. Download the ZIP file
    2. 下载ZIP文件

    3. In your WordPress admin area, go to Plugins > Add Plugin, and select Upload Plugin
    4. 在WordPress管理区域中,转到“插件”>“添加插件”,然后选择“上传插件”

    5. Upload the ZIP file and installation will commence
    6. 上传ZIP文件并开始安装

    7. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    8. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    9. Make sure to check the Settings > CPO Shortcodes page before using it right away!
    10. 在立即使用之前,请确保先检查设置> CPO短代码页面!

    11. You are now ready to use the shortcodes from the WordPress Visual Editor
    12. 您现在就可以使用WordPress可视编辑器中的短代码了

    Installing Through FTP


      1. Download the ZIP file and unpack it
      2. 下载ZIP文件并解压缩

      3. Upload the entire cpo-shortcodes to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
      4. 将整个 cpo-简码上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

      5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
      6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

      7. Make sure to check the Settings > CPO Shortcodes page before using it right away!
      8. 在立即使用之前,请确保先检查设置> CPO短代码页面!

      9. You are now ready to use the shortcodes from the WordPress Visual Editor
      10. 您现在就可以使用WordPress可视编辑器中的短代码了

